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Tips to Help Your Teen Clean Their Room

  • 1 min read

Not all teens are the moody archetypes we see on TV, but as a group, they've garnered an reputation for disliking chores. Whether your teen likes things neat and tidy or is a bit of a mess-maker, we’ve got some helpful tips to make their (and your) life easier. 

Break the Work Into Small Pieces 

When considering the time it will take to complete a chore, adolescents have an infamous tendency to round up. For example, you may look at a pile of clean laundry and see 10 minutes' worth of work. They look at the same pile and see an hour of their life flash before their eyes. They’re full of energy and eager to explore the world opening up to them; in their eyes, there are never enough hours in the day and chores will only hold them back. 

Try setting a timer with your teen. Let them clean for 10 minutes, take a break, then clean for another 10 minutes, repeating the process until the work is done. This helps cleaning feel more manageable and less intrusive to your time-strapped teen’s schedule. 

Make It Fun  

Telling your teen that cleaning is fun may sound like a hard sell, but it’s possible! Give them an hour to blast their favorite music, listen to a podcast, or watch a movie while they tidy up. This way, cleaning day will be associated with things they enjoy. 

Create a Checklist 

A checklist can help keep your distractible teen on track and motivated. Something like this! 

Leverage Rewards 

You know your teen’s likes and dislikes best, and a little incentive can go a long way. Let your teen pick out the movie Friday night or offer to buy them a new shirt at the mall in exchange for cleaning out their closet. The time lost cleaning their room will feel a lot more palatable if they know they’re getting something in return.  

The Right Tools Make a Difference 

Big, bulky vacuums can add unnecessary stress to cleaning day. Lighten the load for your teen with a vacuum that’s effective and easy to maneuver. Our LVAC-200 Cordless Vacuum is a lightweight design, perfect for getting maximum results with minimal effort. 

Don’t Forget About the Air 

 After an hour of cleaning, a lot of dust gets kicked up into the air. It doesn’t smell great and can cause irritation from coughing and congestion. Our Core 200S Smart Air Purifier uses 3-stage filtration to trap airborne particles as small as 0.3-microns—that’s 233x smaller than the diameter of a 70-micron strand of hair!  

We hope these tips will make cleaning more enjoyable for you and your teen. Good luck! 



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