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Pollen 101

  • 1 min read

Pollen 101

Pollen is a foreign substance to our bodies and is especially troublesome for those with seasonal allergies. When our skin or respiratory system encounters it, our body initiates a series of reactions to flush it out. It will trigger the production of histamines, which then cause watery eyes, itchy skin, and congestion—anything to help rid our bodies of the allergen.

When you understand your pollen allergy, spring and summer become a lot easier to handle. Continue reading to learn more about pollen and how you can prep for spring allergies.

What is Pollen?


According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, pollen is defined as “a mass of microspores in a seed plant appearing usually as a fine dust”. You may only be allergic to one type of pollen, such as alder tree pollen, or several kinds.

Where pollen comes from:

· Flowers

· Grass

· Trees

· Bushes

How pollen spreads:

· Insects

· Wind

· Pets

· Clothes & shoes

Symptoms & Types of Pollen Allergies

Everyone’s unique, but the most common symptoms are ones you might mistake for a cold.

· Congestion

· Sinus pressure

· Tiredness

· Sore throat

· Cough

· Watery, puffy, or itchy eyes

· Irritated skin

There are seasonal and perennial allergies. A pollen allergy is most commonly considered a seasonal allergy, which means it is most prominent with a change in environment or weather. Perennial allergies are consistent year-round and are caused by pet dander, dust mites, and mold.

A sneakier way pollen can affect you is through cross-reactive allergies. This occurs when your body mistakes one thing for another—such as the proteins in a juicy pear for birch pollen. Your body would react by giving you the same symptoms birch pollen would, causing discomfort as well as confusion as to why you suddenly seem sensitive to stone fruit.

Common cross-allergies for different types of pollen:

· Stone fruits

· Nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, and walnuts)

· Carrots

· Celery

· Pepper

· Fennel

· Artichokes

How an Air Purifier Works

Levoit Air Purifier for Allergies

Air purifiers use filtration systems to remove pollutants from your indoor air.

Pre-filters are usually made with a fine mesh material. They trap hair, lint, and pet fur and help protect the lifespan of the filtration system.

The main filter traps airborne particles including contaminants such as dust, pollen, pet dander, and smoke particles

Activated carbon filters work like crumpled sticky tape. As the gases, odors, fumes, or volatile organic compounds (VOCs) pass through, they stick to the carbon pieces and are trapped.

How an Air Purifier Can Help

As there are many ways pollen can enter your home (pets, clothes, open doors, and windows), an air purifier is the easiest way to keep your air clean. You’ll also benefit from the removal of other airborne contaminants, as well as create a space where you can relax with peace of mind.

When looking for an air purifier, consider these features to find one that suits your needs:

· Filtration system

· Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR: how many times the air purifier completely filters the air in a room)

· Smart control options

· Energy efficiency

· Room coverage

Browse our Levoit air purifiers to find one that will help keep you comfortable, no matter the season.



Cross allergy: watch out for these foods (css.ch) Dictionary by Merriam-Webster: America's most-trusted online dictionary

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